be a part of what?

Be a Part of Something Big,

At apart, we invite you to be a part of something big as we embark on a creative journey where fashion and artistry collide. We believe that clothing is more than just fabric; it's a canvas for self-expression and imagination.

Our story began with a passion for both fashion and analog photography. Drawing inspiration from the world of film, we curate a collection of uniquely handcrafted clothes that capture the essence of individuality and creativity. Each piece is thoughtfully designed, embodying the spirit of DIY craftsmanship.

By choosing apart, you're not just buying clothes; you're making a conscious choice to support a brand that cares about the environment and the art of slow fashion.

Be a part of something big as we celebrate the art of DIY and embrace the beauty of imperfection. Whether you're a trendsetter or a timeless classic lover, our collection has something for everyone.

Step into the world of apart and join our creative vision. Together, let's shape a future of sustainable fashion and artistic expression.